Tools Management

“Pit a great process against a bad tool and the tool will win every time.”

The difference between being busy and being productive often lies within a tool set being used incorrectly. Find a solution that fits your needs. Guarantee your success by properly preparing your tools. Bering McKinely offers a Self-Managed (Vision) and Fully Managed (Approach) option.

We know Tools

We managed 100s of tools including popular tools like ConnectWise Stack (Automate, Manage, Sell), Gozynta Mobius, Wyse, IT Glue, PAX 8, ConnectBooster, QB/QBO, Bright Gauge, IT Boost, …and more

Self Managed

You know your tools and your systems are stable, but you desire more personalized support. With BMK’s Vision Service you overlay a level of expertise to all your tools that will help you realize your potential. You know what you want to do, don’t get slowed down by tool issues on your way to success. Combining tool experts from every tool set- PSA, RMM, quoting, accounting, and more. You will have a team of experts at your side

Support Includes:

  • 8×5 Support
  • Projects
  • Monthly Planning
  • Quarterly Planning & Assessment
  • New Employee Training – $1000 per FTE
  • ConnectWise Vendor Management
  • Dedicated Advisor
  • New Install of Manage
  • New Install of Automate
  • New Install of Sell
  • Service Included

Fully Managed

Your firm is growing and what once worked isn’t any longer. With BMK’s Approach Service you get an advanced all-encompassing solution for the more sophisticated business. You stay focused on growing and running your organization while your dedicated advisor manages the project of bringing your tools to the next level. Revamp your systems for your next stage of growth to find the efficiency and profitability that awaits.

Support Includes:

  • Redesign Work Roles & Work Types
  • Rebuild Invoice Templates
  • Configure Email Connectors
  • Integration of 3rd Party Tools
  • Redesign Sell Work Flow

Have you heard??

BMK Vision and BMK Approach Clients are eligible to enroll in the Technology Partnership Program, with access to personalized vendor webinars, discount pricing, exclusive user group access, and a BMK/Vendor Playbook, combining BMK best practices with vendor know-how. Click to learn more about this free BMK client program.

Technology Partner Program

“The BMK team helped us get past our own bull and talked us through taking things to the next level in business operations and management. They have a direct style that is refreshing for pushing you to do the next right thing.”

“We hired Bering Mickinley to help us understand our business and "the numbers" more thoroughly. They helped us design a sales compensation program and with many other tasks.” 

Let us know how we can help.

Fill out the form to start a conversation with a Bering McKinley expert.
